We are so pleased to be bringing you the incredible ASBA drums hand made in Lyon, France. ASBA's rich history dates back to 1927. Throughout the years they created many very innovative products, especially in the 60s and 70s. Their drums were superbly made and they also designed the famous ASBA "Caroline" bass drum pedal in 1965. That pedal was used by the likes of Mitch Mitchell, jazz greats Joe Porcaro and Albert "Tootie" Heath, and many other artists of this era. The pedal was so good that it was distributed in the USA by Ludwig at the time. ASBA drums were played by many of the USA's finest players including Al Foster (studio legend and also with Miles Davis, Sonny Rollins, etc), jazz great Daniel Humair (who, by the way, gifted an ASBA set to Mel Lewis at one point. Mel said in a 1978 interview that he used to use it for small trio dates). Even the incomparable Elvin Jones endorsed ASBA drums at one time. Here is a pic:

ASBA flourished during this era and their drums were sold in more than 25 countries, however, in 1983 the pressure from competitors manufacturing in Asia caused the company to close.
Thankfully, in 2016 Guillaume Pornet embarked on relaunching ASBA and developed an excellent team. They design and manufacture their shells and parts and have created superb products that not only pay tribute to the excellent original ASBA line, but also create superb instruments that meet the demands of any modern drummer.
The ASBA drum sets and snare drums are superbly crafted by hand in their Lyon, France factory. There is something here for everyone: Superb kits for jazz, rock, fusion, and any other application. The sets capture all three of the classic shell compositions used during the 50s through 70s: 3 ply mahogany/poplar/mahogany; 3 ply maple/poplar/maple, and 6 ply maple.
I have three sets and some snare drums and will be providing you with detailed photos and video for them all.
There are three drum set models:
1. The "Simone" series.
By creating the kit SIMONE, we want to pay tribute to Simone Boudard, the "S" of ASBA. The dimensions of the SIMONE comply with the standards of the brand's historical models (with international dimensions). Its shells, made of 6 horizontal plies of first choice American maple, offer exceptional musicality. Indeed, since no varnish or plastic coating constrains the resonance, the SIMONE's shells offer all the richness, subtelty and expressiveness of maple, without any filter.
On the maintenance side, if necessary, Simply apply a thin layer of antique wax with a soft cloth, which will give your kit its natural patina over the years.
Dimensions: Bass Drum 20'' x 14'' / Rack Tom 10'' x 8'' or 12'' x 8'' / Floor Tom 14'' x 14'' or 16'' x 16''.
Configurations: Several Rock or Fusion configurations in 3, 4 or 5 shells.
Shells: 6 ply, premium American maple
Bearing edge: Bevelled 45°
ASBA plate: Screen-printed steel
Drum parts: High quality chromed drum parts, ASBA exclusive design
Drumheads: High quality Evans®
Finish: Hand tinted, antique wax, polishing by hand
Bass drum hoops: Available in 3 finishes: Yellow, dark Brown, light Brown (to be specified in the comments when ordering)
Manufacturing: Handcrafted to order in our workshop in Lyon-France
Stamp: Each shell stamped with the date of the day of final assembly
Drumhead Fit Control Technology: All our shells undergo a rigorous control, ensuring the perfect flatness of our chanfreins. This technology guarantees a very high precision contact between the drumhead and the shell. The result is a huge tuning range, from the most "fat" sound to the most vocal settings. Whatever expressiveness you are looking for, the ASBA shells offer you the ultimate in musical quality.
2. The "Rive Gauche" series:
Many of the sounds, grooves and players that inspired today's best rock drummers come from a time when this ply configuration was the rule. Although these shells are based on classic 70's drums, the Maple / Poplar / Maple shells are in a class of their own. They have a wide adjustement range, a warm tone, a round attack and a fast decrease.
Shells: "vintage" manufacturing 3-ply Maple / Poplar / Maple according to exclusive ASBA specifications in line with the brand's historical manufacturing method.
Dimensions: Rack toms 12". Floor toms 14 or 16". Bass drums 20, 22, 24. Other sizes on request.
Bearing edge: rounded with beechwood reinforcement ring 45° bevelled
Drum parts: High quality chromed drum parts, exclusively designed as per ASBA 60'
Hoops: Triple flanged steel hoops (die cast hoops on request)
Finish: Satin varnish.
ASBA Plate: Die Cast (or chromed on request)
Drumheads: High quality EVANS®
Manufacturing: Handcrafted to order in our workshop in Lyon-France
Preparation: Application of high quality wax inside the shells
Stamp: Each shell stamped with the date of the day of final assembly
Drumhead Fit Control Technology: All our shells undergo a rigorous control, ensuring the perfect flatness of our chanfreins. This technology guarantees a very high precision contact between the drumhead and the shell. The result is a huge tuning range, from the most "fat" sound to the most vocal settings. Whatever expressiveness you are looking for, the ASBA shells offer you the ultimate in musical quality.
3. The "Revelation" series:
A reference to the classic sounds of the 50's, the Mahogany / Poplar / Mahogany configuration is one of the warmest ones. Depth and character are more pronounced in quieter and softer musical settings, while large round sounds appea when things get a little louder.
Shells: "vintage" manufacturing 3-ply Mahogany / Poplar / Mahogany according to exclusive ASBA specifications in line with the brand's historical manufacturing method.
Dimensions: See details of the configurations available in the downloadable document below. Other configurations on request.
Bearing edge: rounded with beechwood reinforcement ring 45° bevelled
Drum parts: High quality chromed drum parts, exclusively designed as per ASBA 60'
Hoops: Chrome on die cast
Finish: Premium Rhodoïd Sparkle, Finish Moulin Rouge. Others by request.
ASBA Plate: Die Cast (or chromed on request)
Drumheads: High quality EVANS®
Manufacturing: Handcrafted to order in our workshop in Lyon-France
Preparation: Application of high quality wax inside the shells
Stamp: Each shell stamped with the date of the day of final assembly
Drumhead Fit Control Technology: All our shells undergo a rigorous control, ensuring the perfect flatness of our chanfreins. This technology guarantees a very high precision contact between the drumhead and the shell. The result is a huge tuning range, from the most "fat" sound to the most vocal settings. Whatever expressiveness you are looking for, the ASBA shells offer you the ultimate in musical quality.
NOTES FROM STEVE AND PHOTOS: We just received the first three sets and some snares direct from the NAMM booth, and we will be providing video and detailed photos of all. I played them all at NAMM and was so impressed (even with all the "show floor noise" at NAMM) that we had them all sent to us. I set up and played the Simone kit when these arrived, and it was a joy to play. The tuning range is huge and the drums really sing. A very musical kit all around, and superbly crafted. Here are some photos to get you started. More to come in the near future as we do photos and videos.

